How to Price Apothecary Products

How to Price Apothecary Products

Apothecary shops carry hundreds of different herbal and natural products, from medicines to spices to perfumes. Many of them are handmade. They're only available from a specific apothecary. You can compare prices with drugstores on similar products, but many apothecary products are unique. In the past, an apothecary prescribed and dispensed remedies, gave medical advice and performed surgery to treat all types of ailments, from anxiety to cancer. Today's apothecaries are more like herbalists. Follow these steps to price apothecary products.

Things You'll Need:

Knowledge of apothecary products

Computer with Internet access

Price Apothecary Products Online


Learn that there are both physical shops and Web sites that sell apothecary products. Whether a price is low or high depends on how rare the ingredients are, and how much work it takes to prepare the remedies for sale.


Decide on the type or types of apothecary products you want to buy. You can buy natural cosmetics, products from the Chinese tradition of herbal medicine, remedies from Native societies all over the world or books about herbs. Once you've settled on a type of product, it will be easier to do a price comparison between Web sites.


Find an online apothecary and make note of the prices. The "Old World Apothecary" Web site has many different products and links to other useful sites (see Resources below).

Price Apothecary Products Locally


Find an apothecary shop in your area, if there is one. There may be shops that don't use the word apothecary. Instead, they might call themselves "herb stores" or "health stores." Walk in and locate the products you want. Then, check the prices. Prices can be expensive since many products aren't mass-produced. Plus, some have rare ingredients. The staff at these stores will help you find what you want.


Go to more than one apothecary, herbal or nature store in your area. Try to find products that are roughly equivalent. Compare the prices as best you can. Since apothecary products aren't usually standardized, you may not be comparing exactly the same item.


Know more about apothecary products by taking a class or reading about it online. There's lots of information out there. Visit to learn more (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Comparing prices for apothecaries will cost you nothing. In fact, it will save you money in the long run.

Expect the cost of all-natural herbal remedies to be comparable to or slightly higher than over-the-counter medications. All-natural herbal remedies will cost far less than most prescription drugs.

If you have any symptoms that require emergency treatment, like a tingling in the extremities or severe chest pain, see your doctor or go to the emergency room.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. If you decide to follow the advice of an apothecary, consult your primary health care provider. Keep your doctor informed about the treatment you undertake.